The week that was!
12:10 AMWell hello there!
Sorry I have been a little slack with entrys (have only managed one thus far) but here goes my 2nd blog entry.
Im writing this as my 2 little ones are squabbling in the hallway (be right back) ok back now just had to sort an argument haha!
I have just come back from Gold coast airport were I dropped my mum off she has spent the past week staying from NZ along with her sister from perth it has been an awesome week but as per usual time has passed us by far too quickly feels like she only just arrived and it was time to go.
While they were here we cleaned out my workspace it looks so amazing now everything has a spot and have pretty well taken over the entire Garage my poor husband has only a small area for his things think we may need to consider looking for a bigger place but for now I am so thrilled with how organised and tidy it is makes it a breeze to work in.
While Nanny has been staying Miss Lacey was moved into her brothers room where she has been sleeping in a big bed for the past week my baby is no longer a baby no more :( She turns 2 on the 17th of April I cannot believe how fast that has happened.
I have been working on a new line the past week and seem to get side tracked onto other new things at the same time I put something down and pick something else up I really must finish what I have started before doing something else haha! I am now going to be having a sale to celebrate 11,000 fans on facebook and am determined to have a lot of gorgeous new and exciting stock ready and waiting for it. We are around 300 off so gives me a little time to get organised.
I am slowly getting myself organised and into a routine with work and life having 3 children and a home business can be somewhat chaotic to say the least but with my oldest in school and the 2 littleones in kindy mondays, wednesdays and fridays I seem to have some sort of system going long may it last.
I try to keep tuesdays and thursdays as free as possible to spend quality time with the kids and take my oldest to footy training and my weekends are spent at rugby and with my husband and children it is very difficult to stay away from my workspace sometimes but I am getting better hehe!
Well not much else to report hope you have all had a wonderful week I kow I have :)
Miss Lacey under the phototherapy lights in special care nursery Can you believe how much she has grown!
12:24 AM‹ 0 comments ›
First Blog Entry
8:54 PMWell as this is my first entry I will begin by introducing myself and my business.
My Name is Karla and I am the founder of Little Miss Lacey a clothing boutique for girls. I Married the love of my Life Kent in 2006 and we have 3 beautiful children Dylan 9, Bryley 3 and Lacey 1 (nearly 2).
I found out I had a real interest in baby fashion after I had my first (and only) daughter in April 2009, Lacey was born 6 weeks early at 4lb 13oz and spent her first 10 days of life in the special care nursery at Gold Coast hospital. My 2 previous baby boys were 8lb 1oz and 7lb 13oz so I was in no way prepared for such a tiny baby nearly half the size of my boys.
I was discharged after only 3 days in hospital and had to go home without my little girl which was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, I didnt want to let my boys see me upset and decided I needed to stay strong so one of the things I did was go shopping for a new teeny wardrobe for my little girl it was fun but it was also not as easy as one would have thought. Premmie baby clothes are actually not so easy to come by I brought anything I could find that would fit her and it soon occured to me that compared to the actual wardrobe I had already stocked for her this one did not hold up I was going to need to get creative.
Lacey was finally discharged and I really wanted to get some photos done for her in a tutu but again couldnt find anything to fit and actually brought a dolls one to start with haha!
After a few trial and errors I finally came up with something I was happy with myself then decided I needed it in a few colours and maybe some matching headbands and well it all just started from there and Little Miss Lacey was born only a few months after my baby girl Little Miss Lacey herself came into the world so I think the name is really fitting.
I have for the most part enjoyed the journey thus far and love coming up with new and exciting creations and thinking outside the square, My sister has also come on board and we now have Little Miss Lacey NZ so working along side her has been amazing we talk nearly 10 times a day and bounce ideas off each other she is such a big support.
The workload has become so large that we have in total 5 people who work for Little Miss Lacey and Little Miss Lacey NZ I will introduce them all in a later blog but for now I think I may have bored you to death enough for today haha! Better get back to work whilst my 2 little ones are sleeping.